
This blog represents my personal reactions to my experience as a Peace Corps volunteer. It is not an official communication from the United States Government or the Peace Corps.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Goat meat

A corss-cultural moment this week: I was talking with several of my office mates and someone mentioned goat meat.
THEM: Charlie, do you like goat meat?
ME: Well, it's an acquired taste and I am working on it.
THEM: Don't you eat goat meat in America?
ME: Not so much, no.
THEM: What do you eat?
ME: We eat beef, and chicken, and lamb, and fish.
THEM: But not goat?
ME: No, not goat.
THEM: But - what do you do with all the goats?
ME: Well, there are not that many in America.
THEM: What - not many goats?
ME: No, just a few. Some are kept for goat milk, for example, but we don't eat them.

Shaking of heads - imagine, a country without goats!  Here of course, there are many, many of them. They wander at will, foraging for anything edible. I can toss broccoli stems, nasty cabbage leaves, potato peelings, etc. over my fence after dinner and by the next morning they will be gone.]  Goat meat is a favorite here. Most of my colleagues, I think, cannot imagine a country where livestock does not wander at will.

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